文档分类: 英语论文 文档上传会员:Chloe 上传时间:2020-01-11
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The E-C Translation of English Auto Advertisements 






China is now the largest automobile market with a total selling number of 23,722,900 in 2014, from which the effect of automobile advertisement is evident. However, the domestic automobile industry is still in its infancy, so the study on English automobile advertisements and the E-C translation of automobile advertisements is of great significance, especially in the background of economic globalization. 

Taking the relevant translation examples as the study object, this thesis mainly makes a study on E-C translation of auto advertisements from the perspective of functional equivalence theory. It elaborates in details the linguistic features of English automobile advertisement, problems existing in the translation, the proper translation criterion and strategies for E-C translation of auto advertisements, which may be of enlightenment or help for those staff working in this field. 

Key words: automobile advertisement  E-C translation of automobile advertisements functional equivalence theory  translation strategies


Acknowledgments I

Abstract II

摘要 III

Chapter One Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Research 1

1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Research 1

1.3 Layout of the Thesis 1

Chapter Two Literature Review 3

2.1 Study on the Functional Equivalence Theory 3

2.2 Previous Studies on Auto Advertisement Translation 4

Chapter Three E-C Translation of Auto Advertisements Based on Functional Equivalence Theory 6

3.1 Linguistic Features of Auto Advertisement 6

3.2 Problems Existing in Translation of Auto Advertisement 7

3.3 Translation Criterion 8

3.4 Translation Strategies 9

Chapter Four Conclusion 12

4.1 Major Findings 12

4.2 Limitations of the Thesis 12

4.3 Suggestions for Further Research 13

References 14

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