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A Comparative Study of the Sino- US Compliments in Business Negotiations
Compliment is a positive speech act, which explicitly or implicitly shows the speaker’s praise for some “good” things, including possession, quality, intelligence or ability. By using compliment, the speaker can greet and encourage each other, alleviate the contradiction between the two sides, and enhance the relationship between each other. Compliment is a kind of verbal communication. On the surface, flattery is praise for a person’s excellent quality, exceptional ability, excellent work, solemn appearance, beautiful dress and other personal qualities or good things. In fact, it has important social function for it is an important means for people to maintain and promote various interpersonal relationships. The proper compliment command will make the communication activities smooth, will make the interpersonal relationships harmonious, and will help to establish or rebuild interpersonal relationships.
In recent years, experts have done a lot of research on compliment. This thesis compares frequency, function, emergence stage and language form of Sino-US compliments in business negotiations, aiming to reveal the similarities and differences between Chinese and American compliments in foreign trade economy, in order to strengthen the cultivation of cross-cultural communication of foreign trade practitioners, and promote the development of foreign trade industry.
Key words: compliments; Sino-US; business negotiation; cross-cultural communication
Acknowledgements .i
Abstract & Key words in Englishii
Abstract & Key words in Chinese iii
1Overview of compliment 1
1.1 Definition of compliment .2
1.2 Impact of compliment 2
1.3 Importance of compliment 4
2.Comparison between Chinese and American compliments ...5
2.1 Similarities between Chinese and American compliments .....5
2.2 Differences between Chinese and American compliments.6
2.2.1 Frequency ..6
2.2.2 Function . .6
2.2.3 Phase ..8
2.2.4 Language form .10
3.Causes of the differences 12
3.1 Social background .12
3.2 Historical background 12
3.3 Economic background .13
3.4 Cultural background .13
Conclusion .14
References .16