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Study on Simplifying Business Law Documents under the Guidance of Plain English Movement



关键词:法律英语  简明化  词法  句法


In order to help deepen English learners’ understanding of simplifying business legal English and explore the appropriate methods of simplifying, this thesis first illustrates the basic principles of plain English, and then puts forward some preliminary suggestions on how to simplify business legal English. From the lexical aspect, legal terminologies and foreign words should be used with caution. Besides, it is better to use modern, specific, and positive English words, instead of archaic, general and negative ones respectively. From the syntactic aspect, simple sentences and active voice are more acceptable, and complex sentences and passive voice should be avoided as far as possible. The study on simplifying business law documents is expected to be helpful for business English learners and international traders.

Keywords: Legal English  Simplification  Lexical  Syntactic


Introduction 1

ChapterⅠ Plain English 3

1.1 Basic Principles of Plain English 3

1.2 Criticism and Defense of Plain English 6

ChapterⅡ Applying Plain Business Legal English from Lexical Aspect 9

2.1 Concerning the Use of Legal Terminology 9

2.2 Concerning the Use of Foreign Words 13

2.3 Using Modern English Words instead of Archaic Words 14

2.4 Using Specific Words instead of General Words 15

2.5 Using Positive Words instead of Negative Words 17

Chapter Ⅲ Applying Plain Business Legal English from Syntactic Aspect 19

3.1 Using Simple Sentences rather than Complex Sentences 19

3.2 Using Active Voice rather than Passive Voice 20

Conclusion 22

References 24

Acknowledgments 25

相关文章推荐: TAG: 法律英语 法律文献 简明化