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Different Recognition Towards Individualism In Chinese And American Cultures
关键词:中美文化; 个人主义; 差异
Individualism is the core of American culture.Under the influence of this thought, Americans have developed a series of habits such as diligence and creativity, etc. Whether at the beginning of the establishment of the United Stated or in the modern world, Americans has got a series of achievements. Development of American society and American daily life are also influenced by individualism. In a word, individualism and America aren’t separated from each other. Collectivism had a predominant position in traditional Chinese society where the thought of the whole world as one community and that of harmony in diversity were stressed. Individualism seemed not to be recognized by Chinese people. In modern world, many people begin to be affected by American individualism. But it doesn’t bring development to Chinese society but moral crisis. People only care about their personal interests regardless of those of society. This paper will have a study on deep implications of individualism and its effects on American society, distortions of individualism in modern China and reasons causing different recognition by means of studying some relative materials in order to promote the understandings of American cultures, and absorb what is best and be used by ourselves.
Key Words: Chinese and American cultures; Individualism; difference
Chapter One Literature Review1
1.1 Definition of Individualism1
1.2 Development of Individualism.2
1.3 Related Theories of Individualism.3
Chapter Two Recognition towards individualism in America.4
2.1 Profound Implications of individualism5
2.2 Daily Demonstrations of individualism.5
2.3 Influence of Individualism.7
Chapter Three Recognition towards Individualism in China7
3.1 Distortion of Individualism8
3.2 Effects of Individualism.9
Chapter Four Reasons that Cause Different Recognition .10
4.1 Economic Reasons.10
4.2 Cultural Reasons12
4.3 Geographic Reasons13