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A Stylistic Analysis of A Rose for Emily







A Rose for Emily is one of William Faulkner’s greatest short stories, and well-known for its special stylistic features and perspective. It tells about a “Gothic” love and a misery life of Miss Emily from a southern fallen noble family. For her father’s strict rules, her pride and dignity as a noble woman, she turned down nearly all those who courted her. After her father’s death, her world began to collapse. Long time passed, she came out again with a Yankee foreman, Homer Barron, whom she put all her love and hope on. However Homer left her at last, which led to a total collapse of her world. Under the unbearable painfulness and desperation, an extremely cruel way crossed her mind. She killed Homer to defend her happiness. Since then, she isolated herself and lived lonely in her old house till her death. In fact, the hatred and misery life of Miss Emily also symbolizes the sad ending of the fallen southern noble. Her sad life is a reflection of the lamentable age and a sign of the whole south of America.

Based on the framework of stylistics analysis, this thesis tries to analyze the textual features of A Rose for Emily by using qualitative analysis. It is aimed at revealing and investigating some of the typical stylistic features of the novel, and to make readers better understand and appreciate it.

The analysis of the thesis is made in three steps, that is, linguistic description, interpretation and evaluation from lexical, syntactical, textual and rhetorical aspects. Lexically, nouns, verbs and adjectives are studied. The syntactical level covers the analysis on the short simple sentences and long complex sentences. On the textual level, textual cohesion and textual coherence are explored. Rhetorically, metaphor and symbolism are briefly discussed. The present study finds out that simple but specific words are preferred by the writer not only for they can bring vivid pictures to readers, but also for they can create certain “Gothic” style circumstances. This would help readers form a suffocating and mysterious sense in their reading. Faulkner’s preference for the words rich in images is one of his most striking stylistic features, and can make readers much more absorbed by the novel.  

Keywords: A Rose for Emily, textual features, stylistic analysis


摘 要



Chapter One  Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Objectives of the study 1

1.3 Methods of the study 2

1.4 Outline of the thesis 2

Chapter Two  Literature Review 3

2.1 Stylistics 3

2.1.1 Definition of stylistics 3

2.1.2 Levels of stylistic analysis 4

  2.2 The development of stylistic study abroad and in China 5

2.2.1 Study abroad 5

2.2.2 Study in China 5

2.3 Introduction of A Rose for Emily 6

Chapter Three  Analysis and Discussion 7

3.1 On the lexical level 7

3.1.1 Nouns 7

3.1.2 Verbs 8

3.1.3 Adjective 9

  3.2 On the synactical level 11

3.2.1 Short and simple sentence 11

3.2.2 Long and complex sentence 12

  3.3 On the lexical level. ....13

3.3.1 Cohesion 13

3.3.2 Coherence 14

  3.4 On the rhetorical level. ....14

3.4.1 Metaphor 15

3.4.2 Symbolism 15

Chapter Four  Conclusion 17

4.1 Major findings 17

4.3 Limitations 18

References 19

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