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The Gender Difference of Body Language in female interpersonal communication
关键词:身体语;性别差异; 女性人际交往
This thesis is based on the studies of body language. When it comes to communication, words are not the only way to convey and comprehend information, human communication also depends on nonverbal sign. In fact human communication is a combination of verbal communication and nonverbal communication. in interpersonal communication, women will be affected by gender difference of body languages. There are positive influence and negative influence. This thesis mainly studies the gender difference of body language in female interpersonal communication, and the affect it may have on women in their interpersonal communication. The thesis also tempts to explore possible strategies women may apply when faced with negative influence to improve female interpersonal communication.
Keywords: body language; gender differences;female interpersonal communication
1.Introduction 1
2.Literature Review 1
2.1 Common body language 1
2.2 The differences between male and female in body language 4
3.Gender Difference of Body Language in Interpersonal Communication 6
3.1 Gender difference of body language 6
3.2 Gender difference and its influence on female interpersonal communication 6
3.2.1 The positive influence on female interpersonal communication 6
3.2.2 The negative influence on female interpersonal communication 8
4.Suggestions 10
5.Conclusion 11
Works Cited 12