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An Analysis on the Characters in The Age of Innocence from the Perspective of Bildungsroman_英语论文



关键词:纯真年代  纽兰·阿切尔  成长小说  成长


As a masterpiece of Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence happens in New York upper-class society in the late 1970s to early 1980s. This novel depicts an aristocratic man, Newland Archer’s emotional experiences. Newland Archer maintains and obeys social traditions and customs for his identity as nobility. Although he is engaged to a decent lady May Welland who is matched for marriage, he is generally attracted by Ellen Olenska and takes a fancy to this woman. Finally Newland decides to live with May. This thesis deals with the theme of this novel from the perspective of Bildungsroman: to explore the problems Archer encounters in his love experience, how he changes his moral value and achieves his spiritual growth. Thus readers can have a better understanding of the theme of the novel.

Key words: The Age of Innocence  Newland Archer  Bildungsroman  growing


Chapter One  Introduction1

1.1  A Brief Introduction to Edith Wharton.1

1.2  A Brief Introduction to The Age of Innocence2

1.3  The Structure of the Thesis.3

Chapter Two  Literature Review4

2.1  Previous Studies on The Age of Innocence4

2.1.1 Previous Studies Abroad.4

2.1.2 Previous Studies at Home.6

Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework8

3.1  Definition of Bildungsroman8

3.2  Developments of Bildungsroman9

Chapter Four  An Analysis on Newland Archer.11

4.1  The Changes of Self-value11

4.2  The Awakening of Women’s Equality Awareness 13

4.3  The Growth of Mind.15

4.4  Plot Pattern Consistent with Structural Pattern of Bildungsroman 16

Chapter Five  Conclusion18

5.1  Major Findings18

5.2  Limitations of the Thesis and Implications of the Research.18



相关文章推荐: TAG: 纯真年代 成长小说