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Analysis on the Binary Oppositions in The Lover from the Perspective of Structuralism_英语论文
关键词:《情人》 差异 二元对立
The Lover (French: L'Amant) is an autobiographical novel by Marguerite Duras. It was awarded the 1984 Prix Goncourt. Set against the backdrop of French colonial Vietnam, the novel reveals a clandestine romance between a pubescent girl from a financially strapped French family and an older, wealthy Chinese-Vietnamese man. The story is a systematized combination of signs governed by rules that produce meaning within the context. Saussure holds a view that meaning is generated through a system of structured differences in language. Differences in The lover arise in the form of binary oppositions. Disparity and conflict are the underlying themes and the main binary opposition that run through the whole context. Binary oppositions, for instance, poor vs. rich; white vs. yellow; male vs. female and young vs. old are of great importance to make up all the plots. The connection of stories brings about a system in which meaning is created. This thesis aims to analyze the binary oppositions in the novel from the perspective of Structuralism, exploring the underlying structure and analyzing the underlying implications of the love tragedy.
Key words: The Lover difference binary opposition
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Marguerite Duras and The Lover 1
1.2 Research Method of This Thesis 2
1.3 Structure of this thesis 3
Chapter Two Literature Review 4
2.1 Previous Studies on The Lover at Home 4
2.2 Previous Studies on The Lover Abroad 4
2.3 Summary 5
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 6
3.1 Structuralism 6
3.2 Binary Oppositions 6
Chapter Four The Analysis of The Lover on Binary Oppositions 8
4.1 Introduction 8
4.2 Different Characters and their Reasons 8
4.2.1 Poor verse Rich 8
4.2.2 Different Family Background 9
4.3 Different Gender: Male and Female 11
4.4 Different Complexion: the White and the Yellow 13
4.4.1 Social Prejudice 14
4.4.2 Cultural Difference 15
4.5 Summary 16
Chapter Five Conclusion 18