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On the Symbolic Meaning of John the Savage in Brave New World_英语论文


《美丽新世界》是经典的反乌托邦小说之一。 本文通过对约翰这个人物的分析,揭露随着科技的发展,人类不应逐渐失去自我,失去对美好事物的向往。在文中约翰是真正人类的化身,本文分成三个部分来分析约翰的象征意义。第一部描写约翰和列尼娜之间相悖的恋爱观,注定失败的感情,突出约翰想要追求的是一种精神层面的美好爱恋,而列尼娜只是被欲望驱使。表明约翰象征着爱情的忠贞,和对美好感情的向往。第二部分着重分析殖民地长大的约翰由于受到印第安传统文化和莎士比亚著作的影响,在进入没有真正书本和真理的新世界后,对于新世界的人们来说,约翰象征着书本,代表着对真理的追求。 第三部分讨论约翰和自由的关系。通过对约翰自由人身份的分析,对精神自由的追求,和在新世界的逼迫下选择自杀,得出约翰象征着自由或对自由执着的追求的结论。最后总结,在科学技术越来越发达的时代,人类不应被科技所控制,丢弃感情,抛弃书本和自由。在将约翰和新世界的人对比时,这种人性的珍贵越发的显现出来。

关键词:约翰 象征意义 美丽新世界 自由


Brave New World is an classical  anti-utopian novels. Through analyzing John the character in the book, this thesis reveals that with the development of science and technology, mankind should not gradually lose himself and the right to think. John is embodiment of real human beings in this book. This thesis will be divided into three parts to analyze John's symbolic meaning. The first chapter describes John's and Lenina’s  opposite attitudes towards love, to highlight the “savage” John pursuit of spiritual love, but  Lenina who is just propelled by sexual desire. It symbolizes that John is loyal and pure to love and expects good love. The second part focusing on analyzing John who grows up at the colonies and deeply influences by the Indian traditional culture and Shakespeare's works, after entering the new world without real books and truth,  John symbolizes the book and pursuit of truth. The third part discusses the relationship between John and freedom. Through analysis of John's identity as a free man,  pursuit of spiritual freedom, and the choice of suicide under the persecution of the new world, we can get the conclusion that John symbolizes freedom or pursuit of freedom. Finally, drawing the conclusion that with the rapid development of  science and technology, mankind should not be controlled by science and technology, discarding feelings, books and freedom.  When contrasting John with the new world people, the preciousness of human nature shows more clearly.

Key words:  John; symbolic meaning; Brave New World; freedom 


1. Introduction 1

2.  John -- the Loyal and Pure Love 3

2.1 the Different Background 3

2.2 Views of  Love 4

2.3 Behaviors to Love 4

3.  John -- Book and truth 7

3.1 John -- the Real Book 7

3.2 John -- the Pursuit of Truth 8

4. John -- the Freedom 11

4.1 John -- the Free Man 11

4.2 John -- Pursuit of Spiritual Freedom 12

4.3 Suicide -- the Last Choice to Freedom 13

5. Conclusion 15

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgement 17

相关文章推荐: TAG: 象征意义 美丽新世界