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On Influences of Cultural Differences in Sino-US Business Communication_英语论文





摘  要 I

Abstract II

1 Introduction 1

2 Cultural Difference between China and America 1

2.1 Different Ways of Thinking 1

2.2 Different Ways of Language Expression 2

2.3 Different Business Values 3

2.3.1 Different Attitudes towards Time 3

2.3.2 Different Attitudes towards Emotion 3

2.3.3 Individualism and Collectivism 4

2.3.4 Different Attitudes towards Hierarchy 4

3 Impacts of Cultural Difference on Sino-US Business Communication 5

3.1 The Impact on Ethics and Law 5

3.2 Case Study 6

4 Solutions of Cultural Barriers 8

4.1 Listening Carefully and Making Response 8

4.2 Being Good at Asking Questions 9

4.3 Making Yourself Understood 9

4.4 Targeting the Context of Communication 9

4.5 Considering the Different Communication Styles 10

4.6 Using Euphemism 10

4.7 Using Fuzzy Language 10

5 Conclusion 10

References 12

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