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随着我国“一带一路”外交政策的落实和发展,越来越多的外资企业乘着经济全球化的东风进驻中国市场。要想在中国市场成功推销产品,就必须投放广告,而广告语翻译的质量会直接影响消费者对商品的购买需求。在进行广告语翻译时,选择侧重保留源语信息与特色的归化翻译还是选择侧重目的语读者感受与语言习惯的异化翻译,这是一个很重要的问题。可口可乐公司作为一家成功打入中国市场多年的著名跨国企业,曾经创作过许多经典且优秀的广告语,极具研究价值。因此,本研究以Lawrence Venuti的归化和异化翻译理论为指导,从可口可乐公司历年发布过的广告语及其官方中文译文里选取10则作为研究语料,分析可口可乐广告语的汉译方法,探讨可口可乐公司如何运用归化和异化翻译法去选择合适的广告语翻译;还为跨国公司进行广告语汉译时在什么情况下选择归化或异化的翻译策略给出了建议。本研究旨在为广告语翻译策略的选择提供理论参考角度,以期加深人们对商业广告语翻译的理解与认知。

关键词:可口可乐广告语  归化翻译法  异化翻译法  商业广告语翻译


Abstract i

摘  要 ii

Chapter One  Introduction 1

1.1  Research Background of This Thesis 1

1.2  Purpose of This Thesis 2

1.3  Significance of This Thesis 3

1.4  Research Questions of This Thesis 4

1.5  Research Method of This Thesis 4

1.6  Structure of This Thesis 4

Chapter Two  Literature Review 6

2.1  Introduction 6

2.2  Previous Researches on Commercial Advertisements 6

2.3  Previous Researches on Domestication and Foreignization 8

2.4  Comment 10

Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework 13

3.1  Introduction 13

3.2  The Definition of Domestication 13

3.3  The Definition of Foreignization 15

Chapter Four  Applications of Domestication and Foreignization on Advertising Slogans of Coca-Cola 17

4.1  Introduction 17

4.2  The Analysis of Advertising Slogans of Coca-Cola 17

4.2.1 Features of Coca-Cola’s Advertising Slogans 18

4.2.2 The Analysis of Coca-Cola advertising translation based on the theory of Foreignization 18

4.2.3 The Analysis of Coca-Cola advertising translation based on the theory of Domestication 23

4.3  Advice on applying domestication and foreignization in advertising translation 27

Chapter Five  Conclusion 29

5.1  Major Findings 29

5.2  Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study 30

Bibliography 31

Acknowledgement 32

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