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On Humor Achieved by Violating the Cooperative Principle-A Case Study on Two Broke Girls



本文将从会话理论角度分析破产姐妹中的幽默。根据会话理论,我们可以知道幽默的产生主要是由两个因素决定的,那就是会话含义和对四大准则的违背。在格莱斯1967 年《对话与逻辑》演讲中提出,人们的语言交流通常遵守一定的准则,即会话原则。但是语言学家们同时也发现人们在交流的时候并不是总是遵守这个原则,对这个原则的违背则构成了会话含义的产生,人们甚至经常故意违背原则来产生一定的会话含义,幽默就是其中一种会话含义。所以论文将选择破产姐妹中的一些对话为例,分析其如何通过对合作原则的违背来产生幽默效果。最后也会指出一些本文研究对更好的理解和欣赏日常对话中的幽默以及如何制造幽默的意义。


关键词:合作原则 四大准则 会话含义 幽默 破产姐妹


Two Broke Girls is a relatively successful sitcom except the Friends, The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family in recent few years. The sitcom describes two young women who waitress at a greasy spoon diner in Williamsburg strikes up an unlikely friendship in the hopes of launching a successful business. Though some dialogues are vulgar, the sitcom still gets a big success and great popularity for its use of huge numbers and high frequency of humor in the character’s dialogues. However, many audiences, especially the non-English speakers can’t understand the humor in the sitcom for all kinds of reasons, among which the language mechanism of how humors are produced is one of them, so it is important and necessary to analyze the mechanism that how humor is achieved in the sitcom, thus people can finally better understand humor and enjoy the fun in the sitcom. This thesis is going to analyze the humor in Two Broke Girls realized by violating the Cooperative Principle (CP).

Based on CP, the realization of humor is closely related to two elements: conversational implicature and the violation of the four maxims of CP. In H.P. Grice’s lecture Logic and Conversation in 1967, he pointed out that people all follow the principle of CP in language communication. However, linguistics also notice that language users do not always observe the principle of CP while they communicate and in this case the violation of the four maxims---maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of manner and maxim of relation often leads to meaning, known as the conversational implicature. People often break some of the principles on purpose to produce some certain conversational implicature in a certain context, including humor. So the thesis takes some examples from the Two Broke Girls to analyze its humor effect by violating the four maxims of CP. The author also gives some explanation to the influence of the research on the humor appreciation in daily conversation and humor making.

First, the author gives the aim and the significance of the research and the author also clarifies the structure of the thesis. The first chapter gives a general literature review of CP and humor, including their present and development and also related theories. The second chapter explains the theoretical framework of the CP. The approach to CP in Two Broke Girl 

is showed in the third chapter. The conclusion and the limitation of the research are given in the last chapter.

Keywords: Cooperative Principles Four Maxims Conversation Implicature Humor Two Broke Girls


相关文章推荐: TAG: 破产姐妹 合作原则