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A Psycho-Analytical Study of Allan Poe’s Short Stories


埃德加·爱伦·坡作为美国十九世纪浪漫主义独具一格的作家,在诗歌,文学批评及短篇小说上颇有造诣。其短篇小说的主题大多为谋杀,复仇和死亡,风格怪诞夸张恐怖, 在当时并不被人推崇。坡被认为是侦探小说和现代科幻小说的鼻祖,作品中多运用心理恐怖的手法,对人的心理探索很是深刻,具有一定的前瞻性。本文参考弗洛伊德精神分析学说,结合坡的人生经历和生存环境,从心理分析角度解读爱伦坡短篇小说中的人物----通过人格结构理论中自我与超我的关系来解读《威廉威尔逊》中主人公威廉威尔逊的人格冲突问题。结合精神分析中的施虐倾向对《一桶白葡萄酒》里蒙特里梭对福图纳多的复仇行为进行分析。从焦虑和防御机制的角度对《黑猫》里“我”的虐猫杀妻行为进行理解,通过《厄舍屋的倒塌》中罗德里克和玛德琳之间的牵制关系来探寻潜意识和意识之间的独立与矛盾关系。最后得出结论,坡的一生坎坷造就了其作品的独特风格。 



Edgar Allan Poe is a distinctive writer in American Romantic period, has great attainments in poetry, literary criticism and short stories. Themes of Poe’s short stories were always murder, revenge and death. He developed a style of grotesque, exaggeration and horror which was not well received in his time. Poe was generally regarded as the father of detective story and modern science fiction. He used inward terrors in his most works and the exploration of person’s psychology is very profound and proactive. By referring to Freud psychoanalysis, combined with Poe’s life experience and living environment, this paper will explain characters of Poe’s short stories from the perspective of psychoanalysis: to understand the conflict in William Wilson by adopting the relationship between Id and superego in personality structure; to explain the revenge in A Cask of Amontillado through the sadism in psychoanalysis; to interpret the mistreatment on the cat and murder in The Black Cat from the point of anxiety and defense mechanism; to reflect in The Fall of The House of Usher the conflict and contradictory between conscious and unconscious by analyzing the relationship between Roderick and Madeline. Then it comes to the conclusion that Poe’s bumpy life made his works’ unique style. 

Key words: Poe; Short stories; Psychoanalysis


相关文章推荐: TAG: 心理分析 爱伦·坡