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Cultural Differences of Non-verbal Communication and Some Suggestions
关键词: 非言语交际;文化差异;建议
Human communication consists of two types: verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Usually, people regard verbal communication as the most powerful and important means of communication; as a result, non-verbal communication is often ignored. In fact, verbal communication cannot make sense alone, having the need for assistance of non-verbal communication. Generally, in cross-cultural communication, communicators tend to convey information and feelings by means of non-verbal methods such as gestures, body language, eye contact and facial expressions. However, there are a variety of cultural differences in non-verbal communications; for instance, the same kind of non-verbal behavior has different meanings in different cultures or the same meaning in different cultures is expressed by different non-verbal behaviors. Thus, it is of importance and value to make research on these non-verbal communication means.
This paper, from the aspects of paralanguage and body language, will focus on studying cultural differences in non-verbal communications and place emphasis on those paralanguage and body language which are easily prone to cause semantic ambiguity. After a comprehensive analysis, it will give some suggestions on learning cultural differences of non-verbal communication.
Key words: non-verbal communication; cultural differences; suggestions