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The Counter-cultural Movement in Rabbit Redux


本文通过对厄普代克《兔子归来》这一小说细读,了解到厄普代克的《兔子归来》是一部讲述60 年代文化矛盾和社会冲突的小说, 它涉及到与那个特殊时期有关的方面, 如越南战争、黑人民权运动和种族冲突、青年反文化运动、性革命以及阿波罗登月等等。不同于传统家世小说的是,作者将目光聚焦在美国社会的一个下层家庭中一位本来是有点前途的小伙子及其家人身上。因此,本文利用内容分析法、文献研究、分析比较法等对20世纪60年代美国社会上风起云涌的妇女解放运动、黑人民权运动以及美国青年反抗主流价值观运动进行探讨研究,并且从文化,思想等角度出发,分析当代美国多元化文化发展的影响及意义。

关键字:《兔子归来》; 妇女解放运动; 黑人民权运动; 青年价值观;反文化运动


Through reading Updike's Rabbit Redux in detail, knowing that Rabbit Redux which was written by Updike is a novel about the cultural contradictions and social conflicts of 1960s. It is involved in each aspect related to that specific period, such as the Vietnam War, the black civil rights movement and ethnic conflicts, the youth counter-culture movement, the sexual revolution and the Apollo moon landing, and so on. Unlike traditional family background fiction, the author focuses on a somewhat promising young man and his family who live in a lower family in American society. As a result, by using content analysis, literature research and analytic comparison methods, women's liberation movement, black civil rights movement and American youth against the mainstream values movement in the 1960s will be analyzed and researched. At the same time, from the perspectives of culture and ideology, the impact and significance of contemporary American multicultural development will be also studied.

Keywords: Rabbit Redux; Women's Lliberation Movement; Black Civil Rights Movement; the value of youth; Counter-culture Movement


相关文章推荐: TAG: 兔子归来 反文化运动