文档分类: 英语论文 文档上传会员:Mona 上传时间:2019-10-23
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The Translation of Culturally-loaded Words from the Perspective of Relevance Theory—Taking Lin Yutang’s Moment in Peking for Example






With the development of economic globalization, the exchanges between different countries and nations have become more frequent, and intercultural communication has become a more and more important part in people’s lives. As a communication bridge among different cultures, translation is becoming more and more important. However, because of the differences of environment, beliefs, customs, values and other aspects of lives, different countries from all over the world have formed various traditional cultures. These factors lead to a large number of culture-loaded words, which brings great difficulties to the translation. How to translate culture-loaded words in a correct and reasonable way will contribute to cross-cultural communication.

From the perspective of relevance theory, taking Moment in Peking for example, this paper will discuss the translation skills of culture-loaded words so as to achieve optimal relevance, which not only makes readers maximize the appreciation for cultural peculiarities of the works, but also retains cultural inheritance at the most.

Keywords:  optimal relevance  culture-loaded words  translation skills  Moment in Peking


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