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笔者通过对前人模糊语言的研究的概括和归纳,尝试区分模糊和歧义这两个易混淆概念,并分析新闻中出现的模糊语言的主要功能。同时本文以顺应理论为研究视角,从英国 BBC 、美国 CNN以及中国日报 等官方网站发布的多篇灾难新闻和经济新闻为语料,通过理论描述和实际新闻案例分析的定性研究方法,试图对新闻语篇中的模糊语做出具体分析,从而解释研究报道者是如何在不同语境下对模糊语言的使用进行不同的顺应。从而找出模糊语必须存在于新闻文语言中的理由。笔者希望本研究可以帮助语言学习者更好的学习模糊语言。

关键词:模糊语言 语言顺应理论 英语新闻


Abstract i

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Literature Review 3

1.1 Previous Research on Fuzziness 3

1.1.1 Research on Fuzziness Abroad  3

1.1.2 Research on Fuzziness at Home  4

1.2 The Features of news language 6

Chapter 2 Theory of Linguistic Adaptation 11

2.1 Verschueren Theory of Linguistic Adaptation 11

2.2 The Four Aspects of Theory of Linguistic Adaptation 11

2.2.1 Contextual Relevant Components of Adaptation 11

2.2.2 Structural Objects of Compliance 11

2.2.3 Dynamics of Compliance 12

2.2.4 Salience of the Adaptation Process 13

Chapter 3 Adaptation of Fuzziness in English News 14

3.1 Three Types of Fuzziness 14

3.1.1 Vague Additives  14

3.1.2 Non-numerical Structures 16

3.1.3 Fuzzy Implication 16

3.2 A Study of the Adaptation of Fuzziness in English News 16

3.2.1 Adaption to the Material World 16

3.2.2 Adaption to the Social World 17

3.2.3 Adaption to the Psychological World 17

3.3 Conclusion 18

Chapter 4 The Role of Fuzzy Language in English News 19

4.1 Pragmatic Functions of Fuzzy Language in English News 19

Chapter 5 Conclusion 21

Bibliography 23

Acknowledgements 25

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