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On the Possibilities of Chinglish’s Transformation to China English







Nowadays, English has already become a world language. As English becoming more and more international, lots of English varieties with local characteristics appear.

As one of English varieties, China English has already caused widespread concern since 1980s. It is regarded as a kind of English used and widely accepted by Chinese people to express those things with Chinese characteristics. Meanwhile, the appearance of Chinglish also has aroused heated debate. Some scholars think Chinglish is a non-standard English which should be avoided. While some other scholars believe that we should not totally repudiate Chinglish, because not all the expressions of Chinglish are unacceptable. Moreover, many scholars have noticed that the boundary between China English and Chinglish is not insurmountable. With the development of Chinglish, it will become more and more closer to China English, so it’s possible for Chinglish to transform into China English.

This paper aims to find out the main standards which distinguish China English from Chinglish, and based on relevant theories and examples to clarify the possibility of transformation from Chinglish to China English.

Key words:  China English  Chinglish  transformation  English Variety 


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