文档分类: 英语论文 文档上传会员:Isaac 上传时间:2019-11-07
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On Semantic Rhetorical Devices in English Auto Advertisements





As the development of the multimedia in contemporary society, advertising has become an indispensable part of business practice in economic activities. In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese auto market, more and more automobiles’ advertisements appear in people’s life. The arts’ activity and the economic results in society in the auto advertisements both lie in the specificity of language itself. After collecting a large amount of examples of auto advertisements, it is found that automobile advertising English is an English variation, its formation and development are influenced by various conditions, so it has its own rules and characteristics. It mainly depends on the charm of rhetorical devices to make success in English Automobiles’ Advertisements. Through the analysis of the semantic rhetorical devices used in English auto advertisements, the paper gives a brief analysis of the characteristics and functions of the semantic rhetorical devices in English auto advertisements. It explores the Language features of auto advertising in order to help the future creation and translation of auto advertisements, and to promote the selling of the products.

Key words: automobiles’ advertisements, semantic rhetorical devices, characteristics, functions 


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