文档分类: 英语论文 文档上传会员:Tyler 上传时间:2019-11-17
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A Brief Study on Domestication and Foreignization in Movie Subtitle Translation----A Case Study of Interstellar





Movie subtitle translation, which has various characteristics and different categorizations, is in large measure constrained by space and time, especially by the context. What’s more, film subtitle translation becomes more sophisticated due to the cultural-specific expressions and cultural default. From the perspective of restrictive elements in subtitle translation, this paper is intended to analyze the application of strategic interaction of domestication and foreignization which is a disputable topic in the translation field. It’s considered that domestication and foreignization strategies can provide theoretical guidance for subtitle translation and perfect combination of two strategies can gain better translation effects. The author takes Interstellar as an example to probe into these two strategies. This movie wins a great success in the international movie market and its subtitle translation also becomes a hot topic. Furthermore, the limitation in subtitle translation is also referred in the paper for the purpose of arousing translators’ awareness of untranslatability. This consciousness, of course, will play an important role in the application of movie subtitle translation.

Keywords: movie subtitle translation; Interstellar; domestication; foreignization


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