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On Metaphorical Meaning and the Translation of English Idioms





As fixed phrases refined from the long-term usage of             language, idioms are the carrier of national culture featuring obvious metaphorical meaning and integration. First and foremost, this thesis will introduce the definition and elementary characteristics of idioms to help readers have a detailed learning about metaphorical meaning of idioms. Then, it will analyze three types of metaphor meaning, including ontological metaphors, orientational metaphors and structural metaphors. The third part will put forward several translation methods and skills to help us do better on the basis of these three metaphors. This paper aims to provide a brief analysis of metaphorical meaning of idioms, and persuade readers to notice the necessities and significance of translation, thus making progress in the translation of English idioms. 

Keywords: English idioms; metaphors; translation methods


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Definitions and Features of Idioms 2

3.1 Definition of idioms 2

3.2 Metaphorical meaning 3

3.2.1 Ontological metaphors 3

3.2.2 Orientational metaphors 4

3.2.3 Structural metaphors 5

4. Approaches of Translating Idioms 5

4.1 From ontological metaphors 6

4.2 From orientational metaphors 7

4.3 From structural metaphors 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

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