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As China enters WTO, the business letter and its translation become more and more important. As a result, having a good knowledge of business letters and their translation could help people build and develop business relationships with foreign companies. With the study of 30 papers and three books, this article is mainly talking about the definition, development, features and applications of communicative translation in Chinese translation of English business letter. The author puts up with several points in the research that can be implemented.

Key words: business letter; communicative translation; application

1.    Introduction
After our state enters WTO, more and more enterprises and companies will step onto the international market. And with the development of global economy,business letters have become an important tool for us to exchange information in business affairs. Business letters play an important role in building and developing business relationships,cooperating with business partners,dealing with transactions,and maintaining goodwill. And the translation of English business letters seem more important to Chinese companies in business with other countries. A standard and unified layout of business letters makes a notable and active impact on those companies that have already entered into the international market as well as on those which have just joined the international market.

2.    English business letter and its translation
2.1    Definition of English business letter
Just as Newmark said, “A commercial business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties.”
Business letter, the floorboard of all letters which are used in commercial activities, records professionally the evolvement condition of business. As a kind of applied literary form, business letter has its specific language features and inherent principles.
In spite of the fact that telephone, telegram and telex are also very useful in international commercial activities, business letter (E-mail included) still counts the most in commercial communication. Business letter is the main way for companies, manufactures and customers to communicate with each other about businesses, condition, consultation and reply. Apparently, companies need business letters to make the final confirmation after contacting over phone calls or telegrams.

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