文档分类: 翻译专业 文档上传会员:KingBart 上传时间:2017-11-27
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With the expansion of cultural exchange, more and more original foreign programs have flooded our Chinese market, especially American comedies and films.  Many Chinese audience need to resort to the translated subtitles in order to better understand the meanings of the programs. In addition, an increasing number of people want to improve their English by watching American comedies. As a consequence, the translation of the subtitles plays a very important part in helping the Chinese viewers better appreciate foreign programs and improve their foreign language. However, the translation of subtitles used to follow the conventional ideology, especially focusing on meaning and grammar. So much subtitle translation is not good enough.  But now, Skopostheorie, which is  put forward by German Functionalist School, offers a new and efficient perspective for subtitle translation. It lays stress on the expected purpose of the translation process. Unlike the conventional "equivalence principle", skopostheorie holds that in the translation process, the expected purpose serves as a beginning point; in order to achieve the expected purpose, translators need to consider and choose the most suitable translation methods based on the various contextual factors. This paper will research the translation strategies of the subtitles for The Big Bang Theory from the perspective of Skopostheorie.

Keywords: Skopostheorie; Subtitle Translation; The Big Bang Theory




1 Introduction
1.1  The Background and Significance of the Study
With the rapid advance of science and technology, the convenience of our daily life is on the rise. Besides, as a way of building bridge between nations, culture exchange has been promoted. An increasing number of American films and TV  series have come to our daily life in different ways. The viewers who know little about English can understand what the roles say only by reading the translation of the subtitles. Besides, a growing number of people want to enhance their English by watching American comedies. Therefore, it is very important to produce excellent subtitle translation in order to help the Chinese viewers better understand foreign programs and improve their foreign language competence.

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