文档分类: 翻译专业 文档上传会员:西窗雪 上传时间:2017-11-27
文档价格: 1000金币立即充值 包含内容: 完整论文 文章下载流程
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With the continuous development of science and technology, computers are more widely used. In order to absorb advanced computer technology in foreign country, more and more people pay attention to the translation of computer terms. However, due to the long-term isolation with Mainland China, Taiwan has formed its own unique regional culture, which affects the features of language in Taiwan. In this case, the translation of computer terms in Taiwan is also obviously different from that in Mainland China, which even has become the obstacle of cross-strait exchanges in the aspect of computer technology. Based on the definition of terms, this thesis introduces the general principles of computer term translation. In addition, this thesis attempts to explore the causes of cross-strait cultural differences from historical and social perspectives to analyze the translation differences of computer terms on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Key words: computer term translation difference; Taiwan; Mainland China



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