• [教学论文]高中生英语语用失误的个案研究_商务英语论文_英语教学论文

    Abstract This paper analyzes the main reasons of the common cross-cultural pragmatic failures of high school students through a case study, in which 45 students participated a test of pragmatic failure. This paper classifies and describes the types o...

    文章由婉若清风上传 文章字数:3663 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]探究合作学习在初中英语教学中的运用_英语教学论文

    Abstract With the rapid development of society and economy, English becomes more and more important in the modern society. In the traditional English teaching methods, the students usually accept the English knowledge passively instead of using them...

    文章由旧巷里的少年郎上传 文章字数:4919 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]初中英语教师课堂提问策略_英语教学论文

    Abstract Asking questions in class is an important technique of classroom teaching. It is also the significant step of information and emotion communication between teachers and students. Suitable questions can stimulate students learning interest, i...

    文章由七度光上传 文章字数:5020 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]初中英语阅读教学中任务型教学法的运用_英语教学论文

    Abstract As one of the basic abilities among listening, speaking, reading and writing, reading plays an important role in English learning. Developing reading ability is not only an important part of middle school English learning, but also an import...

    文章由月色随风上传 文章字数:5303 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]基于形成性评价而探究培养大学生英语自主学习能力的方法_英语教学论文

    Abstract Assessment as a tool of English teaching exerts a great influence on English teaching. Formative assessment emphasizes teaching process, which uses many kinds of ways to evaluate the education and it is an important way to reform the traditi...

    文章由拈花把酒上传 文章字数:5840 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]精加工策略在中学英语词汇教学中的应用_英语教学论文

    Abstract As we all know, vocabulary teaching is an integral part of English teaching. Vocabulary learning not only makes many middle school students feel very difficult, but also it is the biggest obstacle for most students. So it is very important t...

    文章由Autism上传 文章字数:4211 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]浅谈初中英语教师课堂提问策略_英语教学论文

    Abstract Asking questions in class is an important technique of classroom teaching. It is also the vital step of information and emotion communication between teachers and students. Suitable questions can stimulate students learning interest, inspire...

    文章由HotStuff上传 文章字数:5289 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]浅谈信息沟在小学英语游戏教学中的有效运用_英语教学论文

    Abstract Nowadays,game teaching is popular among primary English classes. It is superior to other teaching methods for its interesting and attractive features. But in fact, there are also some ineffective phenomenons in English class, induced by ga...

    文章由永不退缩上传 文章字数:5046 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]探究汉语负迁移对高中生英语写作的影响_英语教学论文

    Abstract Writing is a language skill and it is very important in language learning and teaching. It is necessary for teachers to develop students writing competence. However, quite a lot of our Chinese students in senior high school are poor in Engli...

    文章由我还能坚持上传 文章字数:5131 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]新课标背景下提高初中生英语口语的策略研究_英语教学论文

    Abstract This thesis studies the current situation of oral English teaching and studying in junior middle school in china and aims to put forward some strategies to improve students oral English competence. The study first shows that it is difficult...

    文章由TroubleMaker上传 文章字数:4618 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]浅谈初中英语教师在写作教学中的问题与策略_英语教学论文

    Abstract English writing, as a means of communication, is extremely important in both the teaching of English and English exams. However, the teaching of English writing in junior high school has been the most troublesome problem among teachers and s...

    文章由Smalldimple上传 文章字数:5426 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]小学英语教学中小组合作学习常见误区和对策_英语教学论文

    Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of the group cooperative learning. With the development of the new curriculum reform, the teaching focus has changed from the teachers-centered to the students-centered. Meanwhile, the teaching methods hav...

    文章由第二梦上传 文章字数:5304 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]中国学生英语学习中的跨文化交际语用失误探究_英语教学论文

    Abstract For most of English learners, English is not only a curriculum but also a communicative tool. However, in our country, the traditional English teaching methods mainly focus on English knowledge and skills instead of its application. Students...

    文章由疏狂几曾上传 文章字数:5657 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]过程性评价在高中英语阅读教学中的构建_英语教学论文

    Abstract The new curriculum standards proposed student-centered educational assessment philosophy, focusing on the formative assessment impact on students development. This paper reviews the concept of the new curriculum standards as a guide. Startin...

    文章由Overlook上传 文章字数:4902 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]情感教育在小学英语教学中的实施策略_英语教学论文

    Abstract Traditional English teaching tends to pay more attention on vocabulary and grammar, but neglects students interests and positive emotions. Psychological research shows that emotional education is a valuable factor to quality education. Teach...

    文章由嗜橘歌上传 文章字数:7106 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27