摘 要 本文以网络招聘广告为语料,在韩礼德的系统功能语法理论的指导下,从语气、情态和人称系统三个方面对中英文招聘广告中的人际意义进行了对比分析,试图找出其中的相同点和不同点...
文章由NorthYou上传 文章字数:5148 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 电影作为一种现代艺术经历了一百多年的发展,目前已经发展为一个炙手可热的行业。每年国内国外都会有一大批的影片在不同档期应接上映。观众观看一部内涵丰富的电影并作深入分析...
文章由Blessed上传 文章字数:7468 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 美国和欧洲大陆虽然相隔甚远,但是殖民扩张,宗教传播等一系列的原因使得美国文化和欧洲文化有一定的相似之处,而古希腊文化又是欧洲文化的开端,因此,研究美国社会价值观和古...
文章由青春易逝上传 文章字数:5850 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,越来越多的中国企业借助全球化的的热潮,开始把自己的产品进行国际化的包装,进而开拓海外市场。日益增多的中国化产品在其他国家开始崭露头角。但通...
文章由Isidore上传 文章字数:6233 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 在全球化发展的时代,国人乐于接受外来文化的倾向是一致的,舶来品在国内的流行也就特别引人注目,其中,除了外来的消费文化如洋车、洋酒等领导消费新潮流之外,一些洋节,如情...
文章由小楫夜泊上传 文章字数:6661 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 人力资源管理和管理决策是企业管理的核心管理内容。因为企业之间的竞争是人才的竞争,现代企业对人才的竞争归根到底也是人力资源的竞争。管理决策的实质深植于文化中,深受文化...
文章由浪子提剑江湖走上传 文章字数:5846 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 美国作为世界第一超级大国,其多元化文化,经济,体育,政治对世有着极其重要的影响。它是一个资本主义国家,它有着来自世界各地不同的居民,它的文化是多元化的。教育上美国一...
文章由德莱文上传 文章字数:9683 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Although the concept of the freedom of the press was born in Europe, it developed most successfully in the United States. When despotism came back and swept the old continent of Europe in the mid-19th century, freedom was flourishing in Amer...
文章由Catnip上传 文章字数:5437 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract The interrogation process is a very important component of the judicial life and a central and indispensable part of the criminal investigation. This paper studies interrogation processes selected from the American crime drama television ser...
文章由体温与鹿上传 文章字数:6234 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract In Lakoffs Metaphors We Live By, he pointed out that metaphors exist not only in our languages but also in our minds, actions and daily life. Conceptual metaphors are closely related to humans cognitions. As one way to recognize and understa...
文章由Instinct上传 文章字数:8287 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Along with the rapid development of economy in China, great changes have been witnessed almost in every area. More and more Chinese companies are opening their arms to welcome the global challenges and getting ready to build relationships an...
文章由四季歌上传 文章字数:6493 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract As one of the most essential and influential sources of Western culture, Greek and Roman myths exert enormous influence on the English language, especially on English idioms. Idioms from Greek and Roman myths are widely used in western peopl...
文章由妾本红妆上传 文章字数:6729 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract John Lennon was one of the most legendary musicians of the 20th century. He came to fame in the 1960sa decade of great social change. No other public figure summed up the youthful rebellion of that era quite so successfully. Meanwhile, there...
文章由十年约上传 文章字数:6304 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Metaphor traditionally is regarded as a figure of speech. Yet, according to the cognitive linguistics, metaphor is more of an essential way of thinking than merely a common language phenomenon. In the book Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Jo...
文章由TroubleMaker上传 文章字数:8627 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract In September 2009, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett came to China to persuade millionaires in China to donate half of their wealth to philanthropy career. Media in China focused on this special banquet and stimulated a large scale of report on...
文章由Belloc上传 文章字数:5051 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27