摘要: 近年来,以吸血鬼为主要题材的西方影视作品备受人们的青睐,如《暮光之城》、《夜访吸血鬼》、《吸血鬼日记》等。与以往的吸血鬼形象不同,现如今的吸血鬼不再是丑陋,邪恶的...
文章由Alick上传 文章字数:5416 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 随着网络科技的迅速发展,网络已经逐渐成为社会文化生活中必不可少的一部分。作为一种交流的媒介,我们在使用电脑的过程中逐渐衍生出一种新的语言现象网络英语。当今社会,网...
文章由Autism上传 文章字数:4796 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 《了不起的盖茨比》作为著名小说改编的电影,上映后收到了巨大的反响。其中剧中人物的爱情悲剧所折射出的深层次多方面的问题,是理解作者写作意图重要工具。因此本课题通过分...
文章由她如夕阳上传 文章字数:6346 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 当今社会,在不同的环境中女性扮演着多种身份,无论是成功的职业女性,孝顺的女儿,和蔼可亲的母亲,还是贤惠的妻子,女性无时无刻不在承受的来自各方面的压力。然而,做到在每...
文章由归鹤鸣上传 文章字数:5603 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 作为文化产品的影视作品,总是居于某一文化结构的表层,体现某一文化的不同方面或被某一文化的不同子系统所影响。影视作品与它所属文化的制度、民俗和观念等深层结构相互呼应...
文章由枕上醉梦上传 文章字数:6561 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 随着社会的进步与发展,来自不同地区、文化背景以及不同领域的人们越来越多的生活、工作在一起,因此使跨文化交流日益频繁。与此同时,跨境旅游日益兴起,并逐渐成为潮流。英...
文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:5877 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 本文通过对《关山飞渡》,《红河谷》,《西部开拓史》,《燃情岁月》, 《与狼共舞》等电影作品中的印第安人形象的对比,分析美国政府对印第安人的政策,尤其二战之后美国在种族问...
文章由美好的未来上传 文章字数:6242 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract With the development of economic globalization and society, intercultural communication has been more and more frequent, and people come to realize the subtle and profound impact of culture on the communication. In the process of interaction...
文章由旧巷里的少年郎上传 文章字数:5836 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract It is an Italian film, but it is very popular around the world. In English, this film is called life Is Beautiful, the story is actually introduced to us by an adult Giosu, narrating over the image of his father called Guido, carrying him th...
文章由微雨花间上传 文章字数:5177 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Politeness is the practical application of good manners or etiquette. It is a culturally defined phenomenon, and therefore what is considered polite in one culture can sometimes be quite rude or simply eccentric in another cultural contest....
文章由朝如青丝暮成雪上传 文章字数:4270 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Although we have learned English for many years and even taken part in countless examinations, we often fail in communicating with native speakers for a variety of reasons. Then, how can we reduce these pragmatic failures and enhance student...
文章由四季歌上传 文章字数:4979 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Privacy is a mechanism for people to control and regulate the interaction with others. In the current process of cultural pluralism and globalization, privacy issue has become the big issue of growing concern. Due to the differences of Chine...
文章由LarryCarroll上传 文章字数:5405 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract With the development of globalization, the interactions between various people with different cultural backgrounds have been increasingly intensified. People can be aware of the fact that linguistic taboos exist in almost every aspect of the...
文章由Awesome上传 文章字数:6217 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract A lot of animals have maintained a long-termed co-existence with human begins on Earth since ancient times. Along with the development and progress of human society, many animals are tamed to become domestic animals, providing services for p...
文章由白菜上传 文章字数:6270 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 随着社会的日益发展,互联网在人们的交际中扮演着越来越重要的角色,人们通过不同的网络渠道进行各式各样的信息交流。在中国,人们进行网络交际时会在中文里混合许多英语表达方式...
文章由久醉绕心弦上传 文章字数:4632 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27