• [商务英语]从社会意识形态探究中美家庭价值观的差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to make a contrastive study on the core family values in Chinese and American cultures which are based on their social ideologies. And the study is conducted focusing on two aspects: the parent-children relations...

    文章由自然萌Aimee上传 文章字数:5143 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从礼貌原则看东西文化的异同_商务英语论文

    Abstract In this article, my aim is to analyze the similarities and differences between western and eastern culture in the terms politeness principle. Politeness is so important in peoples social life, and it occurs in every corner of the world. So p...

    文章由我本凡尘大白大白上传 文章字数:4935 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英汉网络语言构词方法的比较_商务英语论文

    Abstract The appearance of network language leads to changes in human beings speaking behavior. Due to diversity of languages and network development, word-formation of English and Chinese network languages varies in many aspects. This thesis initial...

    文章由南殷上传 文章字数:6892 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]浅析跨文化交际中语用失误_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper analyzes the phenomena of pragmatic failure committed by senior middle school students in their daily conversations in intercultural communication, and discusses the nature and causes of pragmatic failure in intercultural communic...

    文章由gxiong上传 文章字数:5137 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]以《摩登家庭》为例浅析美国家庭文化_商务英语论文

    Abstract The family is a microcosm of society and the basic unit of social formation. Family culture is the core of social values. Modern Family contains numerous social issues. It includes the Americans yearn for middle-class life, multi-cultural in...

    文章由Rims上传 文章字数:4975 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英语韵律特征的语用功能研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract Language is the main tool for human beings to communicate with each other. Daily communication can be achieved through verbal expressions as well as prosodic features, such as stress, intonation, pausing and rhythm. As an important part of l...

    文章由桜花祭上传 文章字数:6215 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美跨国公司文化冲突与融合——海尔美国案例分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract Founded on the basis of the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory in 1984, Haier has developed from a failing collective factory into a famous multinational corporation. As one of the most typical multinational corporations in China, Haier built Amer...

    文章由Osborn上传 文章字数:6144 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美时间观差异及其对商务谈判的影响_商务英语论文

    Abstract Time exists in each corner of the world and each culture. Different conceptions and attitudes in each culture are so different, which leads to the differences in temporal concept. Differences in social patterns, historical backgrounds, relig...

    文章由月色随风上传 文章字数:5631 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美灾难性新闻报道对比分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the popularity of culture comparison, the contrastive study of news coverage of China and America has aroused great concern. Disaster news is always unexpected, remarkable, important and complex. A conclusion can be drawn from the contr...

    文章由妲己再美终是妃上传 文章字数:5201 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从饮食文化差异分析中美核心价值观差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract Diet culture evolved as an important part of culture in the history of human development. Different diet cultures reflect different values. With the development of cross-culture communication, more and more foreign people come to know Chines...

    文章由清风入怀袖上传 文章字数:5419 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]浅析中西方面子文化的差异——以《喜宴》为例_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the exchange and development of Chinese and the Western culture, cultural conflicts are gradually emerging. Face culture between China and the West is also different. Face culture is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. Chinese peo...

    文章由樱桃上传 文章字数:8366 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]双关语在商业英语广告中的应用_商务英语论文

    Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of analysis of puns in business English advertisements.Market competition has become increasingly fierce with the development of economy and in this battle, commercial advertising is undoubtedly the most e...

    文章由小楫夜泊上传 文章字数:4352 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英语商务信函中的模糊语言的语用分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of the pragmatic analysis of vague language in business English letter. Vagueness is a fundamental language phenomenon in the natural language environment, and the opposite of precision. Language which is...

    文章由Warm-boy上传 文章字数:4982 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美商务礼仪差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the rapid development of economy, intercultural business contacts have gradually developed. The collision of different cultures will inevitably bring a lot of differences. This paper introduces the differences in the business contacts i...

    文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:4776 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美饮食文化差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract Diet is definitely necessary in the life of humanbeings, and even in the existence and development. With the entrance of the 21st century, cross-cultural communications have become more and more frequent. Through those cross-cultural communi...

    文章由树上的向日葵上传 文章字数:6901 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27