Abstract: Human communication has two forms: verbal communication and nonverbal communication. For a long time overlooking nonverbal communication people have always focused on verbal communication. Not until 1950s have some scholars begun to conduct...
文章由阿斯顿马丁one上传 文章字数:6352 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: English news, one of the most important varieties of English, can be taken as the best means in reporting the news. News spreads information, and keeps the readers informed of surroundings. As being the basic meaning unit, word is the most...
文章由挽歌渐起上传 文章字数:5311 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: With the development of the society, different countries and races of people frequently contact and exchange with each other, so politeness principle seems to be an important principle during the cross-cultural communication. Politeness i...
文章由私念丶染流年上传 文章字数:5765 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: Face is a very interesting culture phenomenon. It contains a wealth of culture connotations. People in different culture shaped different face perceptions. Chinese face perception is dominated by collectivism and emphasizes the maintenance...
文章由Rims上传 文章字数:5568 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: A language not only expresses facts, ideas, events, but also reflects the peoples attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks etc. In a word, language expresses cultural reality. A language, as a system of signs with their own cultural substances an...
文章由小确幸上传 文章字数:5786 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: With a corpus-based Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis method, this paper aimed to investigate the use of semantic prosody of delexicalized adverbs of degree (terribly, awfully and highly were chosen as targets) in Chinese learners English...
文章由okBabe上传 文章字数:8018 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: The process of communication is composed of verbal and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication means all the communicative behaviors beyond language. Being used in a wide range, body language is the keynote of the nonverbal communi...
文章由Super残风上传 文章字数:5221 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: As a way of publicizing and transmitting information, advertisings role cant be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for social communication, which in...
文章由ek20ms上传 文章字数:5797 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: With the development of economic growth, international business activities are increasing day by day. Business negotiation is critical to the success of trade and, ultimately, to the survival of companies. Consequently, negotiators need t...
文章由剑断青丝i上传 文章字数:7843 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: Phatic language, first used and demonstrated by the Polish-British anthropologist, B.Malinowski. He holds that phatic language is not intended to communicate information or opinions, but to perform a social task or keep social contact. Even...
文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:4871 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: Language is the carrier of culture. Different country has its culture deeply rooted in its language, and in turn, the use and development of language have been greatly affected by the culture. So, learning a foreign language is to learn not...
文章由magipige上传 文章字数:5135 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: As one of the most important processes in business activities, the Business Negotiation plays a significant role in the establishment and maintenance of trade relationship. Any business owner or business entrepreneur knows that the differen...
文章由不许动上传 文章字数:5332 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: Herber Paul Grice, a famous British philosopher and professor of linguistics of Oxford University, when he gave lectures at Harvard in 1967, he defined his Cooperative Principle as, Make your accepted purpose or direction of the conversat...
文章由四号花店上传 文章字数:6473 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract: As a communicative tool, language is very important in intercultural communication. However, body language plays a complementary role to help people transfer information and improve communication. It is an indispensable power to avoid langu...
文章由Super残风上传 文章字数:5650 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 广告语作为人类语言的重要组成部分,是语言中最为活跃,最具影响力的有效成分,它带有时代烙印,能反映出社会的方方面面。目前,作为当代语用学中心话题之一的言语行为理论是哲...
文章由花千骨上传 文章字数:5623 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27