• [商务英语]英汉委婉语对比研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon that exists in all kinds of languages. Euphemisms can reflect history, culture and customs of a nation. There are a large number of euphemisms existing in both English and Chinese languages, and t...

    文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:5237 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英汉委婉语对比研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Euphemism is widely used in the process of communication. People would prefer euphemistic speech in order to surpass different communicative obstacles and avoid the direct embarrassments. This thesis attempts to do a comprehensive analysis...

    文章由RyanBecher上传 文章字数:4403 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英语新闻中的模糊语_商务英语论文

    Abstract: For a long time, people tend to regard precision as the most important factor in news language while avoid vagueness as best as they can, seeking for expressing themselves as clearly or precisely as possible in communication. However, vag...

    文章由Alick上传 文章字数:6872 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]英语语言中的性别歧视浅探_商务英语论文

    Abstract: To some extent, language always reflects society, at the same time, it enables us to see the social reality more clearly. Moreover, as a social problem with a long history, sexism can be located everywhere. This thesis mainly tries to inves...

    文章由枕上醉梦上传 文章字数:5616 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]预设在英语新闻标题中的应用_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Newspaper headline is the title of a news report and the fundamental part of any piece of news. It is usually described as the eye of news reports. From the headline readers could catch the main idea of the news and they can decide whether...

    文章由Slagmale上传 文章字数:5122 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中国英语的文体研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract: With the economic globalization and the increasing interactions between countries, English is more and more widely used as a means of international communication. It is not solely owned by one country or one nation, but has become an interm...

    文章由gxiong上传 文章字数:6092 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中介语石化现象初探_商务英语论文

    Abstract:Foreign language learners language interlanguage may fossilize at any stage when it develops from the learners mother tongue of its development and greatly influences the proficiency of target language with the errors of pronunciation, gra...

    文章由6Clean上传 文章字数:8618 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]广告语中的双关语_商务英语论文

    Abstract: In the era of commodity economy, advertising as a way of disseminating information, played an invaluable role in business competition. Advertisement slogans are usually brief, meaningful and written in proper figures of speech. Pun is to ad...

    文章由AugusBird上传 文章字数:4930 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]论英语中的委婉语_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Euphemism is widely used in every aspect of the social life, and plays a role as lubricating oil to harmonize interpersonal and social relationship in language communication. As a social linguistic phenomenon, euphemism has drawn the attent...

    文章由Maugham上传 文章字数:5156 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从合作原则看英语广告中模糊语言的运用及解读_商务英语论文

    摘要 广告是一种非常重要的信息交流手段,它对人们的消费观产生了很大影响。当代社会中,模糊语言在英语广告中普遍使用。这是广告人为了达到某些目的而故意使用的宣传手段说服顾客相...

    文章由TroubleMaker上传 文章字数:5209 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从会话合作原则透析英语情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》_商务英语论文

    摘要 近年来美剧深受广大英语爱好者的喜爱,尤其是情景喜剧,在愉悦了身心的同时,观众还能学到英语国家的文化及纯正的英语表达方式。《生活大爆炸》是近年来一部非常受欢迎的情景喜...

    文章由饮马桃花时上传 文章字数:5848 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从禁忌语与委婉语看中西文化的差异_商务英语论文

    摘 要 语言和文化是一种辩证的关系,每种语言都是其文化的一部分,语言既服务于文化又反映着文化的需要。委婉语与禁忌语是人们使用语言的重要形式,在人际交往中起着重要的作用。委婉...

    文章由Overlook上传 文章字数:6553 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从卡通电影看美国文化特征_商务英语论文

    摘要 美国是一个由多个种族的人群移居所组成的国家,本身没有太深厚的文化底蕴。然而就是这样一个名族在短短数十载中形成了自己独特的美国式文化。有人说美国没有自己的文化,他们的...

    文章由ー季樱花上传 文章字数:4893 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从礼貌策略角度分析商务信函的语言特点_商务英语论文

    摘要 基于布朗和莱文森的面子理论,本文的目的是通过分析运用于某些特定的商务信函的礼貌策略,来探究一些常用的语言特点,比如模糊语与情态动词,虚拟语气,语气修饰词,设问句,非...

    文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:5930 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从美国文化对中国婚俗的影响看文化帝国主义_商务英语论文

    摘要 本文从文化及文化帝国主义的概念入手,介绍了在全球化环境下中美之间越来越多和越来越频繁的文化交流。习俗作为文化的一方面可以反映文化的情况。近百年来,中国的婚礼习俗发生...

    文章由Spexial丶发飙上传 文章字数:5666 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27