• [商务英语]《阿甘正传》中反智主义的现实意义_商务英语论文

    Abstract Winston Grooms work, Forrest Gump, has long been regarded as one of the world literary classics. It was made into the movie Forrest Gump by director Robert Zemeckis in 1993. This movie is based on the legend that a man of low intelligence gr...

    文章由Nothingleft上传 文章字数:7196 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]浅析希腊神话中的本思想——以赫拉和雅典娜为例_商务英语论文

    Abstract The Greek mythology, the body of the myths, is the treasure of the world culture. Many myths contribute to the world literature most. Distinct from the gods who are aloof from the people in Chinese Myth, the gods in Greek myth are more frien...

    文章由青路红尘上传 文章字数:5199 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]论当代美国婚姻家庭观与《圣经》的背离_商务英语论文

    Abstract The improper marriage and family value of contemporary America results in high divorce rate, unmarried cohabitation rate and single family rate. Nowadays, the majority of Americans treat marriage in an individualistic wayshirking responsibil...

    文章由第二梦上传 文章字数:5117 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]希腊神话对英美文化影响之初探_商务英语论文

    Abstract The Greek mythology is an important part of the Greek culture and a priceless cultural heritage of humanity. It also has exerted great influence on the British and American cultures in many aspects, such as British and American literature, B...

    文章由风过无痕上传 文章字数:6251 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]从霍夫斯坦德的文化维度理论看中美商务谈判风格差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract International business negotiation is influenced by many factors, including politics, economy and culture from different countries and nations, of which culture is the most difficult ingredient to grasp. Therefore, it is of great significanc...

    文章由DESIRE上传 文章字数:7415 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]面子:中西文化差异探究_商务英语论文

    Abstract Nowadays, the concept of face plays an important role in daily communication, but there are many differences in understanding of face perception under the various cultural backgrounds. In the meantime, with the development of the globalizati...

    文章由Comair、上传 文章字数:5137 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中美对外新闻发布会拒绝策略对比研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract As one of speech acts, refusal is prevailing in human communication. Refusal incites impoliteness. That means a series of politeness strategies have to be employed as it seeks to cushion interlocutors from face intimidating. Containing some...

    文章由Jerry痞孓上传 文章字数:11427 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]好莱坞电影中的古希腊悲剧元素_商务英语论文

    Abstract Tragedy spirit is a kind of destiny, which includes conflicts of human and nature. It is one of greatest characters in Western Culture and European Culture, so that it is fully indicated in European literature and Western culture. Greek trag...

    文章由醉今生落红尘上传 文章字数:5300 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]美国好莱坞电影中的超级英雄情结_商务英语论文

    Abstract In recent years, Hollywood produces a lot of superhero movies. These movies are welcome and popular with a broad audience, such as Superman, Spiderman, Batman. These superhero movies create classic after classic. Almost each of these films i...

    文章由鱼传尺愫上传 文章字数:3972 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]圣女贞德:挑战中世纪权威的女性主义反叛者_商务英语论文

    Abstract Saint Joan, written in 1923 is widely accepted as one of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaws most brilliant plays. Contemporary scholars study on this drama mainly focuses on the analyses of the characters personality, the cause of Joans t...

    文章由Disease上传 文章字数:5802 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]论中美文化差异——以电影《喜福会》中人际关系为例_商务英语论文

    Abstract Amy Tan, who is a very well-known author in the Chinese American literature released in 1989 her first novel The Joy Luck Club, which is enthusiastically approved by both the audiences and the reviewers. In this work, Amy Tan elaborates on t...

    文章由南方的南上传 文章字数:5548 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中国国家形象宣传片的多模态话语分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the development of technology, new media has played more and more important role in the society. At the same time, the revolution of media has brought many new elements to the world. Image, sound, music and position etc. are the new ele...

    文章由德莱文上传 文章字数:6394 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]甲午战争对汉语外来词的影响_商务英语论文

    Abstract Getting into languages seriously, we will learn that no language is self-sufficient. One language may have impacts on, or be impacted by other languages if the colony exists. In this respect, the first Sino-Japanese War should inevitably lea...

    文章由远方有我上传 文章字数:5688 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]跨文化交际视角下中美婚姻模式的比较_商务英语论文

    Abstract In recent years, the marriage patterns have changed a lot in various countries. However, the functions of family and marriage do not change. They still reflect their cultures, religions, economic, political and other related social issues to...

    文章由MandyMicah上传 文章字数:7055 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [商务英语]中英校园文化差异探析_商务英语论文

    Abstract Campus culture is the unique cultural form which is formed intentionally or unintentionally which reflects the clear purpose of education, plays a guiding role in students growth, and profoundly affects the students value, personality, ideol...

    文章由Palpitation上传 文章字数:6874 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27