文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:Instinct 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Advertisement is closely related to people’s life, and it has been regarded as a competitive method in the modern commercial society. The advertising language has its own unique characteristics, and it is concise, implicit, vivid, and so forth, while the characteristics of pun are in accord with those of advertising language, and then pun with the name of “daring” is widely used in English advertisement. In this paper, the author explores how the pun is applied in English advertisement based on the principle of relevance and the principle of economy, and homophonic pun on phonetic level, homographic pun on semantic level and grammatical pun on syntactical level are studied respectively. The homophonic pun has the humorous and witty style, which can leave readers deep impression, and readers should learn its homophonic characteristic to understand the advertisement. The homographic pun expresses the multimeaning, which can make readers afford for thought, and readers had better explore the hidden meaning based on its literal meaning to better understand the advertisement. The grammatical pun has the characteristics of conciseness and shortness, often used as the brand name of goods, which can cause the witty effect, and readers should grasp the basic structures of the grammatical knowledge. In addition, the author gives the designers some suggestions about the advertisement design. Advertisers should fully understand the characteristics of pun first, and design the advertisements in light of the inner needs of readers. Pun should be widely used in designing perfect advertisements to promote the development of the advertising.

Key Words: Pun; English advertisement; principle of relevance; principle of economy

摘  要:
当今社会,广告与人们的生活息息相关,它作为一种竞争手段无处不在。英语广告语言有着其独特的特点,精练,含蓄,生动等,而双关语的特点恰好符合了广告语言的这些特点,因而双关语普遍运用在广告中也因此被誉为广告中的“宠儿” 。作者以关联理论和经济原则为理论框架,分别从语音层面上的谐音双关,词汇层面上的语义双关,句法层面上的语法双关等方面探究了双关语在英语广告中的运用。谐音双关具有风趣,幽默等语言风格,使人印象深刻,需要读者运用谐音进行联想。语义双关表达一词多义能够产生耐人寻味的效果,需要读者根据表面意思去深入探究广告的内在含义。语法双关简洁,富于文字情趣,常用于品牌名称,可以产生诙谐效果,需要读者了解基础的语法知识结构。另外,作者还提出了设计者应充分了解双关语的特点,并根据读者心理去设计广告,把双关语广泛运用于广告设计中,设计出更多更完美的广告来推动广告业的发展。


1 Introduction
 With the development of economy, there is fierce competition in today’s market, and a good advertisement is essential for every company. The word “advertise” comes from the Latin word “adverfure”, and its original meaning is “to notice, to induce, and to draw readers’ attention to do something”. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), “Advertising is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media”.

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