文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:MandyMicah 上传时间:2017-11-27
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With rapid development of science and technology, the network promoted formation of earth describes as “global village”. People use the network to be more and more aware of current events on every corner of earth. In China, the growing popularity of computers is fueled for such situations. A while ago, "prison break" as the representative one is once again set off a domestic hot U.S. drama.  Students, white-collar workers are undoubtedly pioneers in the movement to watch the U.S. play through the network as a wave. At this point, an US-style drama "Gossip Girl", turned out with their glamorous costumes, tangled relationships between characters, the plot closely set to attract the attention of young people. As people in the film is set to be a group of high school students on the Eastern, and in China in all previous years, the television stations broadcast the crazy "18-year-old sky" in the character set to the same ages. The two TV series are about high school students to face sex and learning attitude, but what is the difference between the Chinese and American young people in the end?
American TV is a product of American culture. The Chinese drama is also closely associated with Chinese national conditions. Art comes from life, but it is higher than life. To some extent, every country has its own drama reflecting some of the humanities, but also can be viewed as an integral part of local culture. However, whether American youth’s attitude of sex and learning in the television shows are the same with our word of mouth in the life of the remarks? Does the attitude of American teenagers have the part our young people can learn? What is the reason for this difference has resulted in the end?
Thesis is not only a cultural contrast between the two countries, but also psychologists, sociologists, educators of young people on two different ideas to make a more complete explanation, but also to facilitate their sexual and adolescents for the United States research on the psychology of learning and improvement, to achieve the mental health of Chinese adolescents.

Key words: U.S. drama, sexual attitudes, learning attitude, youth, the difference

相关文章推荐: TAG: 绯闻女孩 性观念 学习态度