文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:十年约 上传时间:2017-11-27
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John Lennon was one of the most legendary musicians of the 20th century. He came to fame in the 1960s—a decade of great social change. No other public figure summed up the youthful rebellion of that era quite so successfully.
   Meanwhile, there was a famous cultural movement during this period—the Beat Generation. As the Beat Generation’s influence expended, their significance had already gone beyond their significance in field of literature. They had become the representative of those who revolt against traditional society and strive for freedom. Their rebellious spirit is fully reflected in their way of life and their literary works.
Generally speaking, most of the beats were born in the Depression. They spent their adolescence in wars, both hot and cold, and matured in the shadow of nuclear holocaust. It was in this kind of atmosphere that the beat generation emerged in America. They were disillusioned with the progress of science and western technology. They stood opposed to the dominant climate of corporate values, consumerism, and conformity, finding the weight of convention pushing and exhausting. They were "beat," "beaten" down, worn out by it.
Although John was born in the 1940s and grown at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean—Britain, he was deeply influenced by this Beat movement and can be defined as a typical beat artist. For many, he was a cherished symbol of their youth, but for fans young and old he was also an admirable idealist, whose work and campaigning for peace stirred consciences and promoted direct action world-wide. Based on the specific backdrop of the Beat Generation, the author made in-depth researches into John Lennon, hoping to extract the positive and diversified elements from the Beats which may guide or enlighten the youth at the present age.

Key Words: John Lennon, the Beat Generation, music, the Beatles




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