文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:LarryCarroll 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Humor is a widely attested and intuitively grasped aspect of human society, which has long been studied by researchers from the fields of psychology, aesthetics, linguistics, biology, philosophy etc.. Verbal humor as a branch of humor has vivid features related to pragmatics, but it is comparatively rarely studied. Considering the practical application and the popularity of pragmatics, the author would focus her study on English verbal humor in TV series. The author adopts the most popular American sitcom The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) as the corpus, for it is full of humorous conversations.
This paper consists of four parts: the first part is an overview of humor, including the definition, classification and linguistic study of humor; the second part interprets Grice’s Cooperative Principle (CP) and conversational implicature; the third part analyzes the focal point — the mechanism of verbal humor in TBBT in terms of the violation of CP; and the last part reveals the significance and the implications of the study.
This paper points out that the study of mechanism of verbal humor within the framework of the Cooperative Principle could have a profound effect. First, the generation of verbal humor lies in accordance with the generation of conversational implicature; to a large extent, verbal humor achieved in conversation is usually based on violating the maxims of CP. Second, verbal humor is of great significance in daily life and cross-cultural communication. A good appreciation and proper usage of the verbal humor could script the harmonious interpersonal relationships, build an intimate friendship among people, and even enhance our cross-cultural communication skills.

Key words: humor; verbal humor; Cooperative Principle; The Big Bang Theory

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