文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:南殷 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Along with the rapid development of international trade and economic globalization, foreign trade is in a profound development, and cooperation and communication in economics are growing frequently. The development of international trade can not go without the assistance of financial language, thus, the translation has become more and more prominent. Financial language has its typical features. As an essential part of financial language, terms, characterized with conciseness and standardization, etc., are involved in the fields of economics, trade, monetary, securities, markets and logistics, etc. They can accurately embody the financial activities. The proper translation of financial terms can not only help the sound development of China’s economy and trade as well, but benefit the theoretical study of financial English translation. However, the mistranslation of financial terms will cause ambiguity in comprehension and even result in huge economic loss. Oriented by the texts and culture of the target language, Skopos Theory emphasizes that translators should purposefully use a variety of information and they have the right to choose the most appropriate translation strategies to achieve the intended function of the translated text. It is instructive for the study of financial terms translation.
This thesis firstly makes an overview of the study of Skopos Theory, terms translation and financial terms translation. Then by comparing different texts, it analyzes the differences of financial terms and ordinary financial vocabularies, and then summarizes the characteristics of financial terms. Examples cited in the article are chosen from China Finance of 2011-2013. The author put forward translation strategies guided by Skopos Theory with the hope to provide a new perspective for the study of E-C translation of financial terms.

Keywords:  financial terms  E-C translation strategies  Skopos Theory



关键词: 金融术语;英汉翻译策略;功能目的论

相关文章推荐: TAG: 功能目的论 英语金融术语