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摘 要
In modern society, people’s daily lives are closely connected with the development of economy. That is why economic news reports have become an indispensable part in everyone’s life. In the past, a great many of researches on metaphor in linguistic areas have been made in both China and other counties, which are served as theoretical basis for the study of grammatical metaphor in English economic news discourse. This dissertation is written based on the theory of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) on grammatical metaphor. There are totally 30 pieces of economic news discourse chosen from The Economists, New York Times and Voice of America (ten from each) which are three of the most authoritative English economic news magazines and broadcasts. The author employs both quantitative and qualitative method to study the application of grammatical metaphor in English economic news discourse. The thesis reveals the characteristics of grammatical metaphor and the real intention hidden in these news discourses.
Key words: English economic news discourse; Systemic Functional Grammar; Grammatical grammar