文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:AugusBird 上传时间:2017-10-13
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Analysis of the Independent Consciousness of America Middle-class Women -Based on "Desperate Housewives"
摘 要
关键词:绝望的主妇,美国中产阶级,女性 , 独立意识
The first season of "Desperate Housewives" in the United States was widely recognized by the society. This drama is a microcosm of today's American society. Through the exhibition of the four distinct personalities, the drama not only reveals the contemporary female consciousness of the American society which is depressed and despair, but also reflects the process of the formation and background of the independent consciousness of middle class women in America. The dramas caused a great sensation after its release and many people home and abroad try to study the drama from different angles.
This paper focuses on the formation and performance of American middle-class woman's consciousness of independence. The four female characters are not identical. Their sense of independence consciousness is also not the same. This paper aims to analyze the four characters’ independent consciousness through the description of the female consciousness. Then it tries to make a comparison of the four, and brings out their common point which can be the exhibition of the woman's independent consciousness of American middle class.
This paper not only shows the women’s independent consciousness of the United States of America, but also provides reference for more domestic people in further understanding the United States of America.
Key words: Desperate Housewives, American middle class, female, independent consciousness

相关文章推荐: TAG: 绝望的主妇 独立意识