- 从中国元素在西方电影中的运用看西方对中国的审视转变
Abstract In the western movie history of more than one hundred years, Chinese themes have been an important part of western movies. Western movies that concerns China have both considerable quantity and diverse genres. Todays China is witnessing a ra...
- 从卢米埃尔到耶稣看西方电影中的宗教文化影响_商务英语论文
Abstract This paper attempts to investigate films made in the west and religious factors living in them, and introduce the religious influence upon the western movies. Starting from the western movies, it will analyze the cultural influence and focus...
- 论西方电影中的他者——对李连杰在好莱坞电影的思考_商务英语论文
摘 要 电影是一门特殊的艺术,它表达着导演的主观意图,但更多的是受着大众意识,尤其是主流社会的影响。主流社会的认识和想法都会反映在电影中。电影在经过一百多年的发展达到了空前...