- The Means of Artistic Expression In the Black Cat Written By Edgar Allan Poe
- Analysis of the Means of Artistic Expression In the Black Cat Written By Edgar Allan Poe Abstract After reading the fiction the Black Cat written by Edger Allen Poe, I am deeply attracted and affected by the plot and the atmosphere. I am so surprised...
- 弗洛伊德精神分析视角下对《黑猫》的解读
- 爱伦·坡在美国文学史上占有不可替代的重要地位,其坎坷的生平及其奇异的作品留给后人想象与发掘的空间,也是文学研究者们所孜孜不倦研究的热门话题之一。作为爱伦·坡恐怖小说的之一,《黑猫》一直是学者研究的焦点。 本文以弗洛伊德的精神分析为理论依据...