- 关联理论视角下英语幽默的汉译策略研究——以《老友记》对白为例_翻译专业
Abstract With the arising of Relevance theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986) and the relevance-theoretic translation theory proposed by Gutt (1991), many scholars began to make researches on translation from the perspective of Relevance Theory...
- 反讽话语理解的关联理论解释_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract As a common linguistic phenomenon in daily communication, irony has drawn a lot of scholars attention and a great amount of analyses have been made on irony in a wide variety of fields, such as philosophy, psychology, pragmatics and especial...
- 关联理论下中国民俗文化词汇的英译研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Chinese Folk Customs-related vocabulary (CFC-vocabulary) is an very important carrier of the folk customs culture of our nation. For that reason, research on the Chinese-English translation of CFC-vocabulary is helpful to the transmission of...
- 从电影《乱世佳人》看关联理论在影视作品字幕翻译中的作用_翻译专业英语论
Abstract With the popularity and growing effect of cross-cultural communication, more and more English films are flowing into China. Subtitle translation has been an important part in the whole translation field. Being different from translating book...
- 从关联理论视角看广告英语中双关语的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract With the booming market economy, advertisements are ubiquitous in modern society. In order to disseminate information of a certain product or service and attract customers attention in a limited time and space, advertisers cudgel their brain...
- 关联理论对反讽言语的解读_商务英语论文
摘要 在日常言语交流和书面文体中,人们经常使用反讽,反讽是言语交际中一种常见的语言现象。然而比之于对隐喻、幽默的研究,人们对反讽的研究却少之又少。反讽可以分为三类:言语反...
- 从关联理论的角度看电影《花木兰》的字幕翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Film has already become a common form of spreading popular culture, it plays an important role in cross-cultural communication in the world. Because of the disparities between different languages, subtitle translation has become more and mor...
- 从关联理论研究《生活大爆炸》中的言语幽默_商务英语论文
Abstract As a special form of communication of the human being, humor can eliminate embarrassment and add flavor to our life; it is the embodiment of human wisdom and taste and it is the treasure of art of human languages. Since the frequent use of v...
- 关联理论对英语言语幽默的理解研究_商务英语论文
Abstract This thesis, based on the relevance theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson, attempting to investigate the production of English verbal humor and the ways to comprehending English verbal humor, is composed of four major parts. The first part i...
- 从关联理论分析言语幽默_商务英语论文
摘 要 幽默是我们日常生活中常听到的一个词语。本文总结了现有的幽默研究理论,利用关联理论来分析言语幽默并在理论基础上初步讨论及解释英语言语幽默。论文从幽默的起源到后人的总结...
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