- 论《财神和爱神》中十九世纪末美国社会的阶级冲突及解决
Abstract Mammon and the Archer by O. Henry is chosen as the study subject, and with the help of the device of class theory, this paper focuses on the short storys social analyses. Based on the overview of American society in late 19th century, the es...
- 什么改变了阿米尔——从《追风筝的人》看美国社会的包容与平等_英语文学论
Abstract As far as today, the answer to whether the American society is equal or comprehensive or not is uncertain. Set in the US, the novel The Kite Runner, published right after the 911, describes the psychological states of the Afghan people befor...
- 浅议从《绯闻女孩》和《歌舞青春》折射出的美国社会追求自立进取的价值观
摘要 虽然美国宣告诞生仅有短短的300多年,但自18世纪70年代以来,其经济一直高居全球第一。当然,美国成为世界强国不仅仅只在于其领先的经济地位,还有其先进的科研能力和军事装备等。...
- 美国社会性别歧视分析_商务英语论文
Abstract The U.S.A. is a male-dominated country for a long time, and there has been an indication of deep prejudice against women since its establishment. Even in the end, bias against the females has become a part of American culture. This paper ana...
- 美国社会反恐战争态度研究