- 莫里森《秀拉》中的女性主义解读_英语文学论文
Abstract Tony Morrison, the first black American female writer, being awarded Nobel Prize for Literature, describes black womens life from unique perspective. Most of her works concern about black womens tragic fate that black women are under both th...
- 女性话语—浅析《一间自己的房间》中的女性主义思想_英语文学论文
Abstract Virginia Woolf is prized as the pioneer of feminism. Her essay The Room of Ones Own is regarded as one of the feminist classic works, which not only criticizes patriarchal culture, but also breaks out the traditional ways of presentation. Re...
- 由女性奴性潜意识解析玛利娅姆多舛命运_英语文学论文
[摘要] 阿富汗妇女一生命运坎坷,主人公玛丽娅姆便自小一直遭受着阿富汗妇女的苦难,再加上特殊的家庭环境,其自身形成的意识则有异于他人。这便为她奴性潜意识萌芽和显现创造了条件...
- 论女性主义对伊萨克•迪内森创作的影响_英语文学论文
[摘要]: 《走出非洲》以直观鲜明的造型从经济层面、精神层面、文化层面凸显了卡伦对幸福之境的开辟,体现了她对于值得拥有的东西女性独立与解放的执著追求。但同时结局却揭示了这种...
- 女性主义视角分析门罗《逃离》中的女性形象_英语文学论文
摘要 本论文从女性主义角度分析门罗作品《逃离》中的女性形象。这部小说里矛盾中追求自我的加拿大小镇女性群像,具有鲜明的个性特征,本论文以小说的第一个故事逃离为主线,以其他章...
- 简爱与林黛玉命运的女性主义批评_英语文学论文
摘 要 简.爱是夏洛特.勃朗特的作品《简.爱》中的女主人公,林黛玉是中国四大名著之一《红楼梦》的女主人公。他们是世界文学史上独具特色的不朽形象,她们的处境有一定的相似之处,但命...
- 《占有》的女性主义理论分析_英语文学论文
Abstract The thesis is mainly about the study of British novelist A. S. Byatts work Possession from the perspective of feminism. In the first part, it pays close attention on the examination of the relationship between the feminism theories and the n...
- 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中的女性主义分析_英语文学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: In the Victorian age, English women began to realize and strive for their rights of education, economy, love and freedom. These women are the new women. This thesis analyzes Maggie-the heroine of the novel, which refl...
- 《一小时的故事》中的女性主义_英语文学论文
Abstract The Story of an Hour is one of the representative works on feminism by Kate Chopin, a famous American woman writer in the nineteenth century. The whole story happens in an hour, describing the protagonist Mrs. Mallards psychological changes...
- 论爱丽丝•门罗《逃离》中的女性主义_英语文学论文
Abstract: Alice Munro is one of the most prominent writers in contemporary Canadian literature. She writes of women in most of her stories. She focuses on what happens to the existential dilemma of contemporary Canadian women in civilized society. Ru...
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