- 浅析看美剧对英语学习的影响_英语教学论文
- Abstract As technology is developing rapidly, foreign films and videos are much more easily for us Chinese to get access to. Therefore, learning English only from class seem too boring for most of the English learners and learning English from Englis...
- 从偷渡者到权贵——过去十年中国角色在美剧中的转变_商务英语论文
- 摘要: 本论文对近十年来,中国角色在美剧的改变进行分析,包括角色地位和作用的改变,从十年前的龙套,到如今美剧中已变成了能推动剧情发展主要配角,甚至是主角;从曾经的偷渡客到现...
- 目的论视角下之美剧中俚语的翻译处理_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘 要 观看美剧已成为我国青年人生活中一种不可或缺的娱乐方式。美剧是美国的社会文化、生活方式、价值观最直接的体现。在美剧中,语言运用的一大特色便是剧中人物大量使用俚语。众所...
- 美剧对白真实语料在自主英语口语学习中的运用_英语教学论文
- Abstract: According to the survey conducted by the author, current situation of oral English teaching and learning is far from being satisfactory. Though scholars at home and abroad have conducted many researches as well as putting forward some theor...
- 浅谈网络字幕组运作下的美剧翻译特点_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract Today, the globalization of information makes it possible that the global resources can be shared through the network; the development of the P2P technology allows internet users to upload and download files faster and easier; moreover, in C...
- Conversations between Genius and Layfolk in The Big Bang Theory
- An Analysis of Conversations between Genius and Layfolk in The Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Adaptation Abstract The Big Bang Theory is a quite popular US TV series among college students. In particular, audiences are deeply impressed by th...
- An Analysis of Language Violence in Desperate Housewives from Conversational Implicature
- Abstract Language violence almost penetrates every corner of our lives and people should be more aware of its existence and avoid using it efficiently. This paper is an analysis of language violence in Desperate Housewives from the perspective of con...
- 浅析美剧在中国的跨文化传播
- 在全球化语境下,影视作品的跨文化传播己经达到异常惊人的地步,随着时间的推移更有越演越烈之势。影视作品拥有庞大的受众群和广泛的覆盖面,作为当前最受追捧的大众文化娱乐方式,它不仅带来了丰厚的经济利益,同时也增进了国家间的文化沟通,使得各个国...