- 奥巴马对伊停战演说的言语行为分析_商务英语论文
Abstract This paper endeavors to analyze the main speech acts in Obamas armistice speech on Iraq War and how the political speeches apply the speech acts to express the political intention of the speech. Under the framework of the Austin and Searles...
- 奥巴马政治演讲的批判性话语分析_商务英语论文
Abstract: Critical Discourse Analysis is a common analysis framework to analyze political discourse which includes public speaking. Its main purpose is to reveal the use of language, the relationship between ideology and power. It makes it clear that...
- 从奥巴马连任的新闻报道看中西方新闻报道中的倾向性_商务英语论文
Abstract With the development of our society, the media have occupied a very important part in our social life. Usually the mainstream media are the models for peoples minds and behaviors, and they are also important instruments which provide people...
- 解读奥巴马就职演说辞中的概念隐喻_商务英语论文
摘要 认知语言学的研究表明,隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种思维方式,是人类基本的认知方式。它广泛存在于日常生活中,存在于任何学科领域。政治术语和政府的经济政策对民...
- 奥巴马在其第一届美国总统任期间演讲中运用的亚里士多德修辞诉诸理论_商务
Abstract This paper aims to analyze how Barack Obama won the voters support in his first term as the President of the USA by means of Aristotelian rhetorical appeals, including logos, ethos, and pathos. Barack Obamas speeches have left a deep impress...
- 奥巴马总统的演讲致柏林人民的修辞特征_商务英语论文
Abstract This paper is intended to discuss the rhetorical features in President Barack Obamas speech Address to the People of Berlin, in particular, his power of persuasion. To reach this goal, the logical induction method was employed. It is conclud...
- 从合作原则看奥巴马的获选演讲_商务英语论文
Abstract Cooperative principle consists of four maxims: the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relation and the maxim of manner. It is the basic rule for people to follow while communicating with each other. This thesis analyzes Ob...
- 乔治·沃克·布什与巴拉克·奥巴马演讲文体特征对比分析_商务英语论文
摘要 演讲是优于一切现实的口语表现的形式,演讲者要去除一般讲话中的杂乱、松散、平板的因素,以一种集中、凝练、富有创造性的色彩出现,这就是演讲的艺术。美国总统竞选获胜演说是...
- 奥巴马给世界带来的变化_商务英语论文
摘要 2010年1月20日是奥巴马正式成为美国总统一周年的日子,作为美国第一任黑人总统,奥巴马从一开始参加竞选就受到了全世界的关注,成为一位名副其实的明星总统。当美国陷入金融危机和...
- 概念隐喻在演讲中的认知分析——以奥巴马在四所大学的演讲为例_商务英语论
Abstract In Lakoffs Metaphors We Live By, he pointed out that metaphors exist not only in our languages but also in our minds, actions and daily life. Conceptual metaphors are closely related to humans cognitions. As one way to recognize and understa...
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