- 《天堂》中的精神生态解读_英语论文
《天堂》中的精神生态解读_英语论文 A Spiritual Ecological Interpretation of Paradise 摘要 托尼·莫里森(1931-)是迄今为止唯一一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家,她被公认为当今世界最杰出的小说家之一。其作品情感炙热,关注在白人主流社会中美国黑人对自身文化生存和文化身份的探索,并以对美国黑人生活的敏锐观察而闻名。《天堂》则是托尼·莫里森在获诺贝尔文学奖后的第一...
- Pursuing a Free Paradise-An Interpretation of Juxtaposition in Paradise
Abstract Paradise, Toni Morrisons first novel since she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, narrates the conflicts between the Ruby town and the Convent known as the women's shelter. Morrison, in this novel, craftily manipulates the t...