- A Study of the Linguistic Features of the English Version of Bei Ying(The Sight of Father’s Back)
- Abstract Bei Ying, written by Zhu Ziqing, is one of the best lyrical proses in China. Bei Ying is embellished with plain, simple language as well as fluent writing style to show readers the author's true story in his life. Mr. ZHANG Pei-ji, a transla...
- 探究张培基英译《背影》的语言特点_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘 要 朱自清是中国当代伟大的诗人,学者,散文家。 而《背影》是其经典的作品之一。朱自清的散文分为描写社会,环境和情感三类。《背影》属于第三类,其语言朴实,真诚,并运用白描...
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