- 从林语堂《吾国与吾民》中的俗语异化翻译策略看其对中国文化的传播_英语论
Influence of Lin Yutang’s My Country and My People on Chinese Culture Transmission from the Perspective of Foreignization in Idiom Translation_英语论文 摘要 通过《吾国与吾民》,林语堂成功向西方传播了中国文化,引起了海内外轰动。在此书中,他将大量具有中国文化特色的俗语翻译成英文。其中,既有异化翻译,又有归化翻译,不过全书以后者为主。 本论文从书中的66例俗语出发,将其分成三大类:人物类...
- A Comparison of Three Chinese Versions of My Country and My People
Abstract My Country and People, one of Lin Yutangs masterpieces, is a shot to fame in the Western literary world. The book has introduced Chinese culture, society and history to the West in a humorous style. However, due to various reasons, the Chine...