- 商务英语合同中定语从句的翻译策略_英语论文.doc
商务英语合同中定语从句的翻译策略 Translation Strategies of Attributive Clause in Business English Contract 摘要 随着现代商务活动的日益频繁,各种商务合同的使用也日益增多。而定语从句在撰写商务英语合同中应用广泛,因此深入了解定语从句这种语言结构,有助于译者写出更好...
- 商标名称的翻译与策略_英语论文.doc
商标名称的翻译与策略 The Brand Name Translation and Its Strategies 摘要 商标是一种特殊的语言符号,是商品文化的核心部分。商标翻译符合符号学的翻译观,是由解码到编码的过程,是两种文化的移植。同时商标翻译能够拓宽语言学研究空间,丰富语言学的内涵,促进语言理论研究...
- 论红楼梦文化习俗词的翻译接受度-以霍克斯译本为例_英语论文.doc
论红楼梦文化习俗词的翻译接受度-以霍克斯译本为例 On the Acceptability of Translation of the Cultural Loaded Idioms in The Story of the Stone —Taking Hawkes’s translation as a Case 摘要 翻译是把一种语言转化为另一种语言。语言与文化的密切关系注定了翻译与文化的密切关系,不言而喻,两...
- 从功能对等理论看红楼梦人名翻译_英语论文.doc
从功能对等理论看红楼梦人名翻译 The Translation of Names in The Story of the Stone from the Perspective of Functional equivalence theory. 摘要 众所周知,从古至今中国文学作品中的人物名称因其丰富的内涵意义和交际功能在翻译界有着举足轻重的地位。红楼梦作为中国四大名著之一以其语...
- 翻译策略在广告英语中的效用研究_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 广告,顾名思义就是广而告之。它是向人们传递信息,以语言为载体的一门综合艺术。广告已渗透到社会生活的各个领域, 成为与现代营销和现代传媒紧密结合的宣传方式。广告英语作为...
- 试析英语商务合同的文体特征和翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With the globalization of economy, the trade, investment and other commercial activities between China and other countries have become more and more frequent. English business contracts are widely used among these activities. Business contr...
- 从目的论的角度看商业新闻英语的翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Some modern translation principles are from the traditional equivalence-based theory. But, they are sometimes not applicable to the translation practice. It brings both theoretical and practical to the study of new translation principles. Wi...
- 网络流行语的兴起及其翻译策略_商务英语论文
摘 要 语言反映了人们思想观念上的变化和社会变迁。网络流行语像是人类社会、文化生活的一面镜子,与现代人们的生活方式、思想潮流紧密相连。谈及网络流行语,它的构成、发展以及传播...
- 翻译目的论下的英语言语幽默的翻译策略研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract As one of subjects of humor, English verbal humor translation has been under the spotlight for a long time. For it brings the possibility of people who come from different cultural backgrounds sharing their laughter. However, the humorous ef...
- 旅游宣传广告的英译技巧探讨_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: With the development of tourism in our country, more and more foreigners set China as their first choice of a travel destination. Tourism advertisement as an effective way to publicize tourism resources of China, its...
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