- 浅谈汉语网络新词的翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With the popularization of Internet communication, a large number of Chinese cyber-neologisms have appeared, which reflect the characteristics of a social period. This thesis, based on the background of Chinese social culture, makes a study...
- 从目的论角度探讨食品说明翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Translation of food product specifications has been an increasingly important way for the outside world to know Chinese food and culture. In spite of the advanced science and technology, todays translation of food product specifications is i...
- 汽车商标翻译策略的文化分析_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 汽车工业的迅速发展,越来越多的贸易交流和合作,使汽车商标的翻译渐渐成为一种必然。翻译是文化的一部分,于是汽车商标的翻译同样成为一种跨文化交际活动。本文以汽车商标这一...
- 英文电影电视剧字幕的翻译策略与翻译方法研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract As an increasingly popular form of the mass culture, film is an effective channel in international cultural communication, and subtitle translation of movies plays an important role during the process. Compared with the literature, subtitle...
- 与中国饮食文化相关的翻译策略与技巧_翻译专业英语论文
Abstracts This thesis is a study of translation skills and strategies concerning Chinese food culture and efforts in it are devoted to exploring the strategies and skills concerning Chinese food culture. In order to achieve this goal, this paper is d...
- 中国古典诗歌的两种翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: It is indisputable that Chinese classical poetry is a great cultural treasure with its refined language, profound thought, rich imagery, strong passion as well as distinctive rhyme and rhythm and possesses extraordinary aesthetic value. W...
- 商标名称的翻译与策略_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 全球经济一体化的今天,行业间的商业竞争日趋激烈,在这样的环境下,商标之于产品和企业的作用就更不可忽略。产品的商标恰如人的名字,赏心悦目的商标名让人过目难忘,能够促进...
- 中国当代政治特色词汇及其英译_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 随着中国的外宣不断加强,外国媒体也密切关注中国社会发展,中国特色词汇及其翻译的研究在国内外正在成为新的热点。虽然中国翻译界在此研究领域已经取得了丰硕的成果,但在翻译...
- 中国公司简介翻译策略研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With the development of reform and opening up, the process of globalization is further advanced. Chinese companies have to rush their way ahead by participating in the international competition, providing not only high-quality products, out...
- 广告英语的特点及翻译策略分析_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 在经济全球化的 21 世纪里,广告宣传的国际化趋势越来越明显。无论是中国企业还是外国企业都在加强身产品和服务的广告以获得竞争优势,因此,广告的翻译成为广告国际化中主要问题...
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